Single Room
Double Room
Family Room

For owners of trademark or copyright rights

Statutory violations in the search results on our website?

The search results on our website could contain information or contents protected by copyrights. We are not responsible for third party information or content displayed in our search results. Should you be of the opinion that the search results violate your copyright, we would like to request that you please contact the provider responsible for the respective website.

Statutory violations in third-party advertisement displayed on our website?

Third-party ads are displayed on our website, which originated from the Google advertising network (Google AdSense). Should you be of the opinion that these third-party ads violate your trademark rights (e.g., signs), we would like to request that you please contact Google. Further information can be found on Google's website under the following Internet address:

Statutory violations in our advertisements on third-party websites?

We run advertisements in advertising networks such as Google Adwords. Should you be of the opinion that our ads violate your trademark rights (e.g., signs), or that we have violated competition rights, would you please notify us.

Please feel free to contact us!

You can contact us by telephone, fax or e-mail (refer to Legal Notice).

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